Well hey there, Internet!
You may have just stumbled across this page by accident and are wondering, "What the heck is this?" The short answer is that this is a joke that's gotten out of hand. The long answer is below.
In the year 2021, a bunch of old friends got together and said, "Hey, let's do a fantasy football league this year!" The commissioner of that league (yours truly) had been watching way too much Ted Lasso, and while hung up trying to think of a name for the nascent league, chose the name Barbecue Sauce as a nod to the show. Hence, the league called Barbecue Sauce was born.
After week one of the 2021 season, the commish thought, "Wouldn't it be funny to write weekly recaps of the fantasy football action in the voice of Ted Lasso?" Having oodles of free time and energy, that's what happened. Since then, weekly recaps were posted to the ESPN fantasy message board, which generally seemed to be enjoyed by the players.
The 2022 season rolled around and the commish went to the league history to try to find all of the hours of work that had gone into the previous weekly recaps, only to find that they had been lost to the ether of the Internet. Upon vote of the league, the blog was set up to capture the illustrious league history in a way that would stand the test of time and ESPN's data policies. This brings us to where we are now, with a whole separate website to supplement the league shenanigans.
So there you have it, the life and times of Barbecue Sauce. I hope you've enjoyed your stay in our little corner of the Internet. And if you haven't, that's fine, too! Just click away, leave this place but a distant memory of that one time you spent three minutes reading something you wish you hadn't. Everything will be okay in the end.
Hugs & Kisses,
The Commish